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    Why you shouldn’t build a website yourself

    People sometimes think building a website is simple and easy. And there are many services out there that would lead you to believe exactly that. However there is a lot of depth and intricate processes involved to elevate a website to a useful tool. Here are some...

    Why templates do not make a great website

    A website that is built on a template may seem to be an attractive option, especially considering the price often advertised. However the old saying; “if it’s too good to be true, it usually is”, certainly can be applied to template web design. Here are just a few...

    Why is SEO so important?

    What is SEO? First of all, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.  In short, SEO is a set of rules in which can be followed by a website owner in order to optimise their websites for search engines, therefore improving their search engine rankings. In addition,...

    What are google analytics and why it is important?

    What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a free web analytics service which provides statistics and analytical tools for SEO and marketing purposes. This service is available to anybody who has a Google account. Analytics was introduced in April 2005 after Google...