So your new website has launched... Have you had any traffic yet? We have put together a quick guide on how you can help your website to do well and increase the amount of potential customers. First thing first is to set up your websites Google analytics and track...
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“I Don’t Need a Website”
Here at Inventis, we hear time and time again from business owners "We don't need a website". Here is more proof that your business actually needs a Website and could be missing vital income!! In August we wrote about how 1.98 million businesses are missing out on...
Are You A UK Business Without A Website?
New research conducted by Approved Index, which is a B2B comparison site for business services, has found the number of UK businesses without a website and predicted the amount of uplift in revenue if they were to launch a website. 1.98 million businesses do not have...
Why are websites so important? – The Facts
Do I need a website? You may be wondering "why does my business need a website?" Or maybe you want to know what value a website can add to your business? Before putting together our packages we conducted research into what the general consumer uses, does, views and...